Youth work seal

A youth participatory project based on the on the relationship between active participation and youth work.

About the project

A cycle of different activities to achieve the project goals

Local Activities

An educational program aimed at stimulating active youth participation through initiatives such as: seminars, roundtables, sport events, media campaigns, infodays, workshops, sharing pools and surveys, activities that can stimulate the participation.

International Activities

Three international mobilities involving youth workers, youth and policy makers: A1 – Kick-off meeting in Malta

A2 – International Seminar in Italy
A3 – Final evaluation in Bruxelles 

Online Activities

Applying the principle of e-participation, the project involves the administration of questionnaires and surveys aimed at eliciting, needs and proposals from young people.


KA154-YOU – Youth participation activities



Months of activities

International activities


The project involves six international youth organizations from Italy, Serbia, Hungary, Portugal, Lithuania and Malta.

Youth Work Seal

Unleash your voice!

Are you under 35 years old? Would you like to share an idea, make a proposal or bring up a specific issue?

Participate in the online poll organized as part of the project.

Your ideas will help enrich the policy paper we will present in March 2023 at the European Parliament in Brussels! Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard!

Latest News

Last news from the Youth Work Seal Project